Thursday, September 30, 2010

Journ#4 Into the New Midterm

        As an returning student for over thirteen years, I could say I feel good about my school accomplishments so far. In my math class for two hours a day I study at home and work on the latest assignments. On my first day of class the Math problems all came back to me. I guess the math section was well rested in my brain thriving to be woken up.
        In my English class I'm getting a lot better at writing papers. There's still a lot of work on my end. I just started my Grammar Writing class this week. We went over our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to grammar. It was good knowing that others had the same problems like me. Taking the English and Grammar classes together should help me out. I can't wait for the end of the year to see how my writing has changed.
       Working and going to school are still conflicting with my life, but I plan on not giving up. I have to stay up on my school work at all times. I made the mistake in going to a kids birthday party big mistake. Going out made me a day behind in my school work. I'm glad that I've choosen three classes, because anything more than that would be stressful. School is going along great for now.

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